Project 4A: Image Warping and Mosaicing

In this part of the project, we explored how to warp images using correspondence points, and also learned how to generate a mosaic “stitch” of images. With this ability, we are now able to join together images to create a panoramic image. The most fun part of this project was definitely the image stitching, and it’s still interesting to think about how my phone camera manages this, since it’s somehow doing this stitching live.

Part 1: Shooting Images

I was doing this project late in the physics building, so I took a couple for this project:

These were images I took on my phone, and then rescaled to a smaller size to make the computation faster.

Part 2: Computing Homography

The objective of this section is to explain how we find a homography matrix \(H\) to match the correspondence points \(p\) to \(p'\) for both images. For this explanation, we follow Alec Li’s outline in detail. In essence, finding \(H\) boils down to solving the equation \(p' = Hp\), which can be written out in vector form as:

\[\begin{bmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x\\ y\\ 1 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} wx' \\ wy' \\ w' \end{bmatrix}\]

Solving this system of equations amounts to solving a linear system of equations, defined by the linear system:

\[\begin{bmatrix} x & y & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -x x' & -yx'\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & x & y & 1 & -xy' & -yy' \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a\\ b\\ c\\ d\\ e\\ f\\ g\\ h\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x' \\ y \end{bmatrix}\]

This system of equations can be solved for each set of pairs \((p, p')\), and we can solve them in parallel by just stacking the different coordinates to make a bigger matrix and column vector on the right. One thing to note about this system is that once 4 points are selected, then the system has an exact solution for \(a, b, ..., h\). Once more than 4 points are given, then the system becomes overdetermined, and instead of an exact solution we need to use least-squares to find the optimal homography matrix \(H\). This method is precisely what the computeH(im1_pts, im2_pts) function does.

Part 3: Warping

Now that we’ve computed \(H\), we can now move on to performing the actual warp. In my case, we will have two images im1 and im2, and I will always be warping im1 onto im2. Similar to the previous project, in order to perform the warp we just have to apply \(H\) to every pixel in im1, however this would lead to issues because the size of the warped image is almost always larger than that of im1, so if we were to naively just apply \(H\) to im1 we will get an undersampled image. Thus, to fix this, we first warp the corners of im1 to their appropriate locations, which will also define the polygon in which the warped im1 will reside in. This inevitably sometimes causes the corners of im1 to be negative, so to fix this we find the values x_translate and y_translate that are required so that the warped im1 rests perfectly in the first quadrant. With the coordinates of the warped im1 determined, we can now iterate through every point in this polygon and use \(H^{-1}\) to compute the corresponding point in im1 (while also accounting for the translation mentioned just now), then use the same interpolation procedure we used in the previous project, involving scipy.interpolate.regularGridInterpolator().

Despite the similarities there are also a couple differences between this version of warping and the previous version. First, notice that the third coordinate of \(Hp\) is not always 1, but in order to index into our arrays properly we require that it equals 1, so we need to normalize so that \(w = 1\) every time we apply \(H\) or \(H^{-1}\). Another difference is that in this implementation, I spent a great deal of effort in figuring out how to vectorize the transformation, so that it can be done much faster. This ultimately paid off, as it sped up the runtime from ~2 minutes per image to less than 1 second.


One application of this warping procedure is that we can now perform a procedure called rectification, which is the process of perspective transforming a component in an image into a particular shape. In our case, we will take perspective images of rectangular objects, then perform the warp such that after warping the image is now square, or rectified. To do this, we define the correspondence points on the image to be rectified as usual, but for the points \(p'\) we wish to map to I instead defined a hard-coded set of points [0, 400], [400, 400], [400, 0], [0, 0], which forms a rectangle. This hard-coding makes sense here, since ultimately all we want to do is transform the selected points in our im1 into a rectangle. For this part, I took a photo of my chalk case (hagoromo like project 2!) and also a textbook that was kind of collecting dust in my home:

As an aside, notice the difference in image quality – the textbook I took with my DSLR, and the chalk case I took with my phone (bad quality by comparison). To compute the rectification, I selected the following points from both images (marked in red on the left and yellow on the right):

Correspondingly, here are the rectified images:

One thing to note with these rectified images is that the more extreme the angle, the more extreme the resulting warp: it’s clear that the chalk case was shot at a much shallower angle than the textbook, and as a result the corresponding warp distorts the upper region much more heavily, to the point where the chalk case almost can’t be seen. That said, these images are evidence that the rectification procedure does indeed work, since the resulting objects (the chalk case and the textbook) both appear square in the warped image.

Creating a Mosaic

Now, we move on to the final part for part A of this project, which is to join two images together using our correspondences and stitch the images together. To do this, I implemented a function blend(im1, im2, x_translate, y_translate) to do exactly this.

To implement this function, there are a couple things to consider, the first of which is the translation. Recall that in morphing im1, we had to translate it to guarantee that the resultant image lies in the first quadrant. Because this shift globally translated every coordinate in im1, in order for the alignment to be proper we also need to apply this translation to im2 as well; this is why we have the arguments x_translate, y_translate passed into the blend function.

Next, we need to determine the final size of the canvas, which can be done by taking the maximum between the shifted im2 and the morphed im1 dimensions. Then, for the blending process itself, we do a 2-band Laplacian pyramid (same as what we did in project 2), blending the low and high frequency components separately. In the low frequency regime, we take a distance transformation using cv2.distanceTransform(), then take a weighted linear combination of im1_low and im2_low (the result of im1, im2 after the low-pass filter) to determine the low-frequency component of the stitched mosaic. The weights are calculated using \(\text{weight}_i = \frac{d_i}{d_1 + d_2}\) which is very similar to the alpha blending procedure we used in project 2. One thing to note about this weight procedure is that sometimes it gave me division by zero errors, so I had to artificially add a very small 1e-5 to fix this.

For the high frequency components, the distance transformation alone was used as the tiebreaker for whether we took the high frequency in im1 or im2 for each point. That is, if dist1 has a higher value than dist2 at some [x, y], then im1_high[x, y] was taken, and vice versa.

Finally, we add the low and high frequency components together, in the same way we collapsed the Laplacian stack in Project 2. Taking the images from the physics building (source images are at the top of the page), defining the corresponding points, we can get the following image stitchings:

Left: stitched images of the physics reading room.
Right: stitched images of physics 251, one of my go-to spots for studying.

Also a stitched image of Physics 251, just a different part of the room.

Unfortunately, you can’t read the text on that poster, because I downscaled the image beforehand so that I can use the provided correspondence tool (the image was too big otherwise). Nonetheless, all three of these images demonstrate evidence of proper stitching, since we can’t see any seams where the interfaces of the two images lie.

This last part of the project was incredibly cool to see working: in retrospect, it the mathematics and procedure make a lot of sense to me, but even after everything I still think that it’s extremely impressive that we’re able to come up with procedures to accomplish complex tasks like this – and all it really takes is a little linear algebra.

Project 4B: Autostitching

For part B of this project, our goal was to essentially automate the process we did manually in part A – namely, devising an algorithm that chooses the correspondence points for us. To begin, the first thing we’ll need is a way to detect good feature points in the image, and perhaps the best type of feature we can get in an image are the corners present. Corners define sharp edges in both \(x\) and \(y\) that are easy for computers to distinguish, so these are what we are going to look for. This part of the project will heavily follow the steps outlined in the paper Brown et al., “Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches”.

Harris Interest Point Detector

One way to detect such features in an image is to use a Harris Interest Point detector, or a Harris filter. In essence, the Harris filter does this: it takes a small window of the image, and then moves along the window in multiple directions, and measures the change in pixel intensity as you do this. In the case of a flat region, we expect to see no change, for an edge you’d see a change in one particular direction, and for a corner you’d expect to see a change in all directions. Leveraging this differentiation is the key to unlocking the underlying mechanism of the Harris filter.

For our purposes, the Harris filter was given to us as the get_harris_corners() function, which is what I used to get the Harris interest points. The function returns a list of corners, as well as the intensity of the Harris map h at the corner locations. Plotted over the source image, the Harris interest points look like this:

First source image, with the Harris interest points overlaid onto it.

As we see in the image, the Harris interest point detector not only selects corners, but also a bunch of random points which have nothing to do with features in the image at all, as evidenced in the top left of the image, where that portion is completely featureless yet the interest point detector still selected them. As such, we now need to look for a way to sub-select these points, in a way that we get rid of many “useless” points but keep the corners.

Adaptive Non-Maximal Supression (ANMS)

To accomplish the goal outlined at the end of the previous section, we turn to the Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression (ANMS) algorithm devised in Brown et al. In this step, all the Harris interest points are gathered together, and their pairwise distances are compared using the provided dist2() function. Then, we compute, for each point, the minimum suppression radius around it. This suppression radius is the minimum distance between two points such that the Harris intensity outside of this radius is larger by a significant amount. To quote the paper, the condition can be written out as:

\[r_i = \min_j |\mathbf{x}_i - \mathbf x_j|, \text{ s.t. } f(\mathbf x_i) < c_\text{robust} \ f(\mathbf x_j), \ \mathbf x_j \in \mathcal I\]

Following the paper, we choose \(c_\text{robust} = 0.9\), and this condition is sufficient to guarantee that most of the noise in the Harris interest points are removed. Effectively, this is because for regions where the intensity doesn’t change very much, \(r_i\) will be large, and as a result fewer points will be selected in that region. Conversely, if there are many changes in the intensity (which would be the case for edges), then \(r_i\) will be small, and thus more points are selected in this region. This is exactly the behavior we want. Finally, we select the top \(n_{ip} = 500\) interest points, as given in the paper. Doing so on our image above, we can see the stark difference that ANMS provides:

Harris interest points, filtered with ANMS.

We then compute this for both im1 and im2, our two source images that we want to stitch together. At the end of this step, we’ll have two sets of Harris interest points, one for each image, filtered through ANMS.

Feature Descriptor Extraction

Now, with the interest points selected, we now move on to extracting the relevant features from the image. To do this, each Harris interest point is taken, and a 40x40 patch of the original image was subselected, and downscaled to an 8x8 image. This patch was normalized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation, then the patch was flattened to create a feature vector corresponding to that point, and all of the feature vectors are aggregated into an array. The results of this section are used in conjunction with the next section, which will display the results. I’ve sampled the first 4 images that were computed using this process, and here are the results:

(If you couldn’t tell, these are the chairs in the bottom right of the image). These images are taken prior to the normalization procedure, so that they are visible and look nice.

Matching Feature Descriptors

Finally, we come to the process of matching the feature descriptors themselves. From the previous section, we obtained two large lists of feature vectors features1 and features2, which contain the feature vectors in im1 and im2, respectively. Then, in order to compute the match, we do a process very similar to project 1: we compute the squared distance between the two feature vectors, and see if they’re a match. We perform this operation pairwise for every single feature vector, and sort the resulting array so that the zeroth index represents the closest match, and the first index represents the second closest match.

Then, in order to protect against false positives, we use the approach by Lowe, of dividing the zeroth index by the first index, or essentially the ratio of difference between the closest and second-closest matching feature. The theory behind this is essentially that for a matching pair of features, the closest match should be very small, and the second closest match should be large by comparison. By contrast, two non-matching features will have comparable first and second differences. So, we can set a threshold, which we choose to be 0.4, to classify between a positive and a false positive match. Then, with the matches computed, we can generate a list of correspondences this way. Computing the list of correspondences for the first two images at the top of the page, we get the following result:

Matching features between the first and second images. While there are some mismatches, it is clear that the feature matching has done a very good job at finding correspondences.

4-Point RANSAC

In this section, we will implement the 4-point RANSAC procedure. RANSAC, or Random Sample Consensus, is a randomized method by which we basically just try out a bunch of homographies, and determine the best one by seeing which one generates the most number of matches. To describe the algorithm in detail, we will start with the matching features we obtained from earlier, and the coordinates for these features are initialized. Then, we will randomly select 4 matching coordinates, and compute a homography matrix \(H\) with them. With \(H\) determined, we apply \(H\) to all the matched coordinates from im1, and compute the Euclidean distance between these warped points and the matching coordinates in im2. One small subtlety here that is also present in the first part is that we must normalize so that \(w = 0\) in order to make sure that we are computing proper matches. Then, we count the number of points whose Euclidean distance between the warped im1 coordinates and its matching im2 coordinates are within threshold of each other – these points are called inliers. Repeating this sampling process many times reduces variance, and eventually we will take the homography matrix \(H\) which gives us the maximum number of matches. For this project, I computed the homography matrix 1000 times, which seemed to be large enough. As for the threshold, I found that realistically any threshold under 100 seemed to do equally well; I couldn’t find much of a difference. To play it safe, I ultimately went with a threshold of 10. Computing this process on the first pair of images, we get:

Matching features between the first and second images. While there are some mismatches, it is clear that the feature matching has done a very good job at finding correspondences.

I ran it on the other two images as well, and these are the results:

Autostitching process completed on the other two images listed at the top of the webpage.

So far, I’ve been working with extremely downscaled images because of computational limits, but towards the end of the project I noticed that increasing the sigma parameter in sk.feature.corner_harris() (the function that computes the Harris corner) makes the computation faster, and so I proceeded to then try the blending procedure on the raw 4k images themselves, and I got these stitches instead:

In theory, working with larger images should give you a better feature matching, because the 40x40 window that surrounds the feature are now more accurate, and thus captures matching features better while being more resistant to false matches. Also, computing this on the raw images is nice, because I could never have done this manually – the correspondence tool provided resizes the image to scale, and a 4k image just becomes too large that it covers my entire screen, making it impossible to select correspondences.

I wanted to take some time and also speak to the quality of the stitching: as is evident in these last three results, the autostitching does as good if not a better job than the manual process we implemented in 4A. This is not to say that the stitches in 4A were bad, but just that these will be nicer. This is because the homography matrix \(H\) becomes more and more accurate the more corresponding features you feed it, and the automatic feature matching makes it very to select 90+ correspondences very quickly. If I were to do this manually I’d never have the patience to select 90 correspondences, so in this sense, the automatic stitching is just better than the manual stitching.

Further, we effectively have two layers of protection against false positives: first, we filter them out in the feature detection process using the first and second nearest neighbors, enforcing a ratio of less than 0.4 between them. Then, the RANSAC procedure is also robust, since upon repeating the selection process 1000+ times, it’s unlikely that we won’t have found at least one homography that aligns nearly every point perfectly, just by sheer probability. So, even though manual selection does guarantee 100% accuracy in the correspondences found, our automatic stitching gets close enough to this 100% accuracy that the cost of manual selection now greatly outweighs the time taken to compute automatic stitching, thus making auto-stitching an objectively better algorithm.

For me, possibly the coolest aspect of this project was the ANMS algorithm; in my opinion, it is easily one of the most clever algorithms I’ve come across, and it works so effectively despite being so simple. In one single equation, it not only gets rid of many “noise” interest points, but it also ensures that we get a fairly even spacing between interest points, ensuring that our entire image is uniformly sampled across. This last point, the uniform sampling, is perhaps what impresses me the most about this algorithm – we basically managed to uniformly sample an image without using a probabilistic sampling method at all! Personally, I think that’s just an amazing result, and definitely deserves being the coolest part of this project.